The members of the editorial board of request that contributors send in works that have never been printed before. Items that have never been published in print before should only be sent in by contributors who have been strongly encouraged to do so.
We are excited to publish pieces that will be the first of their kind, will be concentrated on the members of the, and will be based on thorough research. These articles ought to adopt a multidisciplinary approach and cover a wide range of topics, including international relations, political science, history, economics, law, communications, geography, culture, and environmental studies, in addition to any other relevant fields of study that are associated with the region.
The editorial staff of retains the discretionary ability to approve or disapprove of any contribution without explaining their decision, and they are not obligated to justify in either case when they use this authority. It is mandatory for everybody who contributes to the to abide by the standards and restrictions that are outlined in this section. We are interested in articles that are between five hundred and two thousand words long, book reviews that are between five hundred and seven hundred and fifty words long, and book reviews that are between one thousand and two thousand words long. Depending on the assessment criteria, longer things will be evaluated individually according to their length as it pertains to the length of the item.
The title should be between six and eight words long; however, the final form of this may be adjusted and is still subject to editorial approval. It would be good if you could make sure that the spelling style (either American or British) that was used in the article that was turned in is kept consistently throughout the write-up. Depending on which style was used, the article might be either American or British.
To make the editing process go more smoothly, could you please ensure that there is a line break between each paragraph? It is OK to utilize acronyms, but the author must first explain what each one stands for somewhere else in the text before they may be used. The contributor’s name should be listed, along with a brief biography that includes the title or designation, as well as the organization that they are affiliated with. In addition, a photograph of the contributor must be included with the piece.
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