Many people like to have their own collection, they might have an ancient statue collection, painting collection, or whatever they like. Likewise, some people like to have a numismatic collection, a collection of coins and medals. For such a collection, German gold coins would be a major part as they are among the rare species. Let’s know a bit more about them.
Where to buy these coins?
If you are interested in investing coins then the most appropriate place for you is Kalita Gold is a part of Kalita finance, a financial group. It has been on the market for the past 20 years. You can buy different investment coins, collection coins, and also sell coins of different metals. However, among all other types of coins, gold coins are considered monedas de inversión.
About German gold coins
Among all other coins, the German 20 Frank gold coins are quite superior as it represents one of the most important eras in German history, the kasear period. In 1987, Kaiser Wilhelm – the first, issued a document regarding the structure and composition of the coins.
According to it one side of the coin consist of the arm of the German empire, the face value, and the year of minting, whereas the other one is about the coat arm of local empires of Germany or the city-states that comes under the German empire. These coins weigh about a quarter of an ounce with 2340 Troy ounces of pure gold composite.
History of German gold coins
The minting of the first batch of gold coins started in 1871 after the Implementation of the banking system in German territory. Before this system, the coins were minted in different states with different structures, designs, and denominations. Nowadays these old non-centralized coins were known as krone, thaler, and ducat.
After 1871, major coins with denominations of 20, 10, and 5 marks began to produce. Among these, the 20 Frank gold coins were quite popular that have been produced greatly by Prussia with the coated arm of King Wilhelm I profile. However, the minting of these gold coins got stopped after the beginning of World War I.
Due to this sudden stoppage of the production of these gold coins, these coins become one of the rarest coins. Hence, its value also increased and considered irreplaceable in the world of numismatic collection.
Investment in gold coin
Now there must be a question in your mind – why you should invest in these old gold coins. Then the facts lie here, as these coins are very rare and due to the metal used in them you can make a high amount later on if needed as its value will increase with more time. Also, there is no need to pay extra taxes while buying it.
The German gold coins are the most considered and rarest among all other types of gold coins and hence will add extra charm to your numismatic collection. Also, by investing in these you can make a good amount in the future. Hence, don’t hesitate to invest in these special good coins.